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The Five Problems
With Baby Mattresses

Are Toxic Chemicals Harming Our Children?

Childhood Disorders
On The Rise

How Are Toxic
Chemicals Allowed?

What About
Fire Protection?

The NaturePedic® Design

Childhood disorders have been rising dramatically. These disorders include autism, ADD/ADHD, asthma, allergies, cancer and more.
They were extremely rare only a couple generations ago.

“The survey found that nearly one out of 10 (9.2%) American children 18 years of age and younger currently suffers from asthma. This figure is comparable to the most current estimate
of the National Center for Health Statistics, which estimates that
8.8% of children 18 years of age and younger have the disease.”

(Children & Asthma in America. “Executive Summary.” www.asthmainamerica.com/children_index.html)

“Autism is a complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life... affecting an estimated 1 in 250 births (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2003)... Based on statistics from the U.S. Department of Education and other governmental agencies, autism is growing at a rate of 10-17% a year.”
(Autism Society of America. “What is Autism?.” www.autism-society.org/site/PageServer?pagename=whatisautism)

“Recent epidimiology studies have shown that autism spectrum disorders are ten times more prevalent than they were just 10 years ago... Autism spectrum disorders occur in as many as one
in every 166 births.”

(National Alliance for Autism Research. “What is Autism? - History.” www.naar.org/aboutaut/whatis_hist.htm)

Researchers are increasingly concluding that the dramatic rise in many childhood disorders is not primarily caused by any significant increase in awareness or diagnostic methodologies. 10-30 years ago, the medical community was well able to diagnose these disorders. Furthermore, normal genetics is also not a likely explanation as the increases are too dramatic and too rapid. Finally,
to the degree that genetic mutations are involved, the question still remains as to what is causing these mutations and/or triggering
these disorders.

The increases are too rapid to reflect genetic changes, and better diagnostic detection is not a likely explanation. The strong probability exists that environmental factors are playing a role.”

(Philip Landrigan, MD, Pediatrician. Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Advisor to Office of Children's Health at U.S. EPA. John H. Cushman Jr., New York Times, 9/29/97)

“The incidence of asthma and allergy has increased throughout the developed world over the past 30 years (Beasley et al. 2003). The short interval over which it has occured implies that the increase is caused by changes in environmental exposures rather than genetic changes (Etzel 2003; Stachan 2000).

(Bornehag, Carl-Gustaf, et al. “The Association Between Asthma and Allergic Symptoms in Children and Phthalates
in House Dusts.” Environmental Health Perspectives Oct. 2004. http://ehp.niehs.nih.gov/docs/2004/7187/abstract.html?section=children)

“... children are more vulnerable to the effects of carcinogens than adults. In fact, chemicals that cause cancer via genetic mutations were up to 65 times more potent when exposures occur during childhood instead of adulthood.”

(“Children's Health Policy Review: EPA cancer policy revisions highlight risks to children.” 3 Mar. 2003.
Environmental Working Group. www.ewg.org/issues/risk_assessment/20030303/index.php)

Are Toxic Chemicals
Harming Our Children?
How Are Toxic
Chemicals Allowed?
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